Monday, December 1, 2008

class december 1

dasher project:
"off the wall"
why use it for people with disabilities?
-not too much fine motor necessary, can be used with eye gaze and blinking
-varying speeds to access letters by left or right arrow
-letter prediction capabilities are simple and user friendly
-research and experimental from the UK

M. Bosch
big issues of assistive tech is assessment
also implementation
outline for a formal plan
everyone has a role, including paraprofessional, teacher, and specialist
we can get the tech but getting it into the classroom and used properly is the issue
U of kentucky has major grants in assistive tech
NATRI grant
examined factors
-status of AT and the role it provides
-policies and procedures
-IEP decision making\
-integrating AT in environment
-affects of AT on academic, social, and functional performance
-training and tech
-extent to which IHEs are developing AT knowledge and skills

quality indicators: the assistive tech consideration process and results are documented in IEP
planning is more important: technology planner
read article

match assistive tech to student, what do they need to accomplish the goal
-task analysis
-try it out
-identify the point of contact
-assigning responsibility of AT tasks
-specifying training
-connecting AT to IEP goals
-monitoring and evaluating use

PRE strategy:
physical space of the room
routines of the students
equipment functioning

assistive technology needs research

communication with family and teachers: training

final present on the 15th
put in a form to give to the teacher
chris will deliver
usable form for the teacher

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