Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Universal Design for Learning notes to self

Key Points:
Flexibility in methods
Flexibility in materials
Flexibility in assessment
Flexibility in goals

respects that individuals have multiple intelligences
respects that individuals have multiple sensory receptors

- Figure 4.3 -Principles of the UDL Framework
Principle 1:
To support recognition learning, provide multiple,
flexible methods of presentation
Principle 2:
To support strategic learning, provide multiple,
flexible methods of expression and apprenticeship.
Principle 3:
To support affective learning, provide multiple,
flexible options for engagement.
(Teaching Every Student in the Digital Age: Universal Design for Learning David H. Rose & Anne MeyerASCD, 2002)

Origins in Universal Design
-Architectural movement ensuring access to all...universal
-included curb-cuts, elevators, ramps, automatic doors

resources and products:

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