With the help of the Cornell University Website on Ergonomics:
I found out just how bad my own ergonomics are, many of the issues can be seen in the photo of my work station.
1st, apparently my keyboard should sit low on my lap, with the mouse right next to it. The mechanics of my desk do not permit this to happen.
Perhaps if I had this desk with adjustable keyboard height, I could practice proper ergonomics.

This desk would also allow for my elbow to remain close to my body as opposed to my usual, outstretched arm.
From what I understand, my firm, wooden chair is less than ideal, I should be in a padded chair with lower back support with a slight backwards incline, a chair more like this one...

The final area which my computer center and habits are lacking is my foot placement. I have a habit of placing my feet anywhere BUT flat on the ground. This is the only area which I have full control over to change, and I will try.
On a more positive note, I have all of my other office supplies, such as paper, pens, paper clips, printer, etc., within an arms reach. I guess I was doing one thing right.
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