Friday, November 14, 2008

Implementation of Assistive Technologies in Schools Ch 12 of Assistive Technology in the Classroom

IDEA 2004 , section 504 of rehabilitation act,and americans with disabilities act all say:
students with disabilities must have access to education, are protected from discrimination based on having a disability
IDEA requires consideration of students' needs for assistive tech during the development of their IEPs

Integration of assistive tech into IEO:
sections in which assistive technologies appeear in IEP:
1. description of special instruction
2. description of supplementary aids and services
3. description of supplementary aids and services\
(may also be included in other areas)

assistive technology should be a means for students to meet general curriculum goals
objectives must be clear enough for everyone to understand the expectation


*digital divide
access to information technology or not, discrepancy between schools, urban vs roural, SES impact
*cultural influence may lean away or towards intervention and display individualism or collectivism
*language of IDEA may be misunderstood, specifically "consideration"
*professional lack a knowledge or skill to maintain the technology
*failure to implement the assistive tech recommendations (usually a matter of time and skill)
*information technology policies (often times, IT personnel are the only ones with the access to frequently change and modify existing technology)
IDEA mandates assistive technology but does not fund the system
families may seek financial assistance for assistive technology of a medical nature through Medicaid as well as private health insurance

See the CEC for standards

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